Stay active and mobile with AssiStep all while being safe and independent in your own home
The AssiStep is a stair aid for those who feel unsteady upon climbing up and down the stairs. It is an innovative and already proven device which is being used both in rehab centers as well as in private homes.
AssiStep is a stair aid that helps people with limited mobility to walk stairs independently and safely. It is very similar to a walker, but it is specifically made for your stairs. The stair walker is an innovative mobility aid which is explicitly designed to provide safety and the much-needed support on stairs.
In 2012 engineering students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim began with the development of the AssiStep in close cooperation with occupational and physio therapists as well as the user group.
As a result, the revolutionary stair aid AssiStep was launched in 2015.
In 2015 the TÜV – an acclaimed certification and inspection company in Germany tested and certified the AssiStep.
“We are committed to helping people stay more independent in their own home and be able to train their gait function on a daily basis – all while being safe” AssiTech AS
Stair aid for people with mobility issues
Each year just in the US alone
there are more than
1 million injuries occurring on stairs
according to a study in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. About fifty percent of the US American homes contain stairs illustrated the Census Bureau.
$ 92 billion per year is the average cost of the non-fatal stair injuries.
Preventing falls is therefore crucial to keeping seniors and people with limited mobility safe at home yet independent.
One of the many reasons for why the AssiStep was developed was to ensure that people with limited mobility and who use other aids already as well as seniors can stay more independent and safe while still being able to live in their own home without having to rely on outside help.
After all, most people want to do as much as they can themselves without needing help from nursing staff, their families or friends.
Who can use the AssiStep?
Everyone who needs additional support while walking up and down the stairs. It can also be used as a training device to improve the gait function or in stroke rehabilitation.
The stair climbing aid AssiStep is used by people with a range of medical indications and disabilities as well as seniors who are insecure while using stairs:
people who have suffered from a stroke,
or who have multiple sclerosis,
cerebral palsy,
people with incomplete paraplegia,
people who have difficulties with grabbing rails,
or who suffered bone fractures due to for example a previous fall.
These are just some of the typical AssiStep users who benefit from the extra support and safety the stair climbing aid provides on the way up and down the stairs.
A great alternative to a stair lift
The stair aid AssiStep is a cheaper alternative to a stair lift for people who are still able to walk the stairs yet need some additional support and safety.
The device can be installed
- on short notice – within 14 days after placing the order,
- does not require building permissions.
For the installation the old railing is replaced by the AssiStep, but upon request the old railing can be kept in addition.

How does the AssiStep work?
The AssiStep stair aid consists of two parts:
- a handrail which is mounted along the wall
- a handle which comes with a patented locking mechanism.
The handle is put in front of the user who then moves the handle along the railing for the needed support and extra safety. The AssiStep can be used with either both hands on the handle or with one hand on the handle and one hand on the railing.
The handle provides ergonomic grips:
- one hand
- combination of handrail and handle
- use the vertical part of the handle.
The height of the handle will be customized to the height of the user and can be adjusted if needed later on.
The stair aid is manufactured using only high-quality materials such as
anodized aluminum & stainless steel.
It blends in with your home in the most discreet way and takes up as little space as possible. The handle folds in towards the wall if not in use. This keeps the stairs free to be used by other people as well, which profit from the AssiStep handrail.